Q: I got error message "Failed to query MX server of somedomain.com" when I was trying to send e-mail.
A: This means you need to enter a right DNS server address.
You may also need to check if the e-mail address you want to send is right. The right format of an e-mail address looks like aaa@hotmail.com
Please use following dns server if your local DNS server can't work. One line per DNS. You can use copy paste to enter it into [Settings->DNS server] of our bulk email program. After entering, you may need to click [Settings->Test DNS] to make sure it work on your PC. And then, click [OK] to save settings.
If all the dns can't work on your net environment, you need to ask your ISP(Internet Service Provider). "What is our local DNS server address?". And then enter your local DNS server.
Below is the settings windows. To open Settings windows, you need to click [Settings] button on the main interface of our application.
